Wildeman and trumpet master Milan Mes has always had an unhealthy obsession with the relation between man and technology, and specifically with artificial intelligence.
Saturday January 23rd he will premiere AM I, a musical reading performance inspired by the Dadaist and Modernist poetry of Paul van Ostaijen. With the support of fellow Wildeman and poet Robin Block, artificial intelligence engineer David Fortini and VJ Frouke van der Velden real-time computer-generated poetry will interact with live visuals and improvised repetitive trumpet playing.
The result is a musical and visual journey into the poetic psyche of artificial intelligence.
Since this is our first experiment with artificially generated text, we invite you to share your experience with us after the performance. We will tell you more about how machines acquire and use human language skills and would love to hear: how do you as a reader relate to such texts? Do you identify with the machine or do you quickly lose track of its meaning? Do these artificially generated texts provide you with poor imitations or do they actually give you exciting new insights about language and poetry?
Curious? Tune in on the YouTube video of the live performance of Wildeman TV, filmed on January 23rd 2021 at 20.30 hrs. All poetry texts are in English.